Here are some great book's to read for kids:
1.Chronicles of NARNIA:if your kid's like fighting and great book's you can get all the book's of the Chronicles of Narnia or just get the big book of the whole series.
2.The Magic Tree House:if your kid's like adventure's and magic it's a great book to read!
3.A to Z Mystery's:if your kid's like mystery's and detective's that's the book to solve the case!(Has a great amount of book's (that are different.))
4.Hardy Boy's:if your kids like Mystery's,crime fighting,and action it'll be a great book to have!
5. Nancy Drew this book is the girl version of the Hardy Boy's!
6. Star wars everything you need to know is a book where you can learn all the facts about Star wars and it also has information about Star Wars Rebels!